Pack of Led Mat Gran Board + Dart game (may be different according to stock to the one shown in the image but will always be of a similar quality) + Electronic Aro American Diana (5 Points in Triple and Double) The most spectacular target with online game. The new electronic target Gran Board 3s is arguably the best target created to date by Gran Board, this new model is more soundproof when impacting the darts, has better darts sensor outside avoiding false marked darts and discomfort, the segments are of better quality more resistant and with perfected holes avoiding annoying bounces and falls of the darts to the ground. The target Gran Board 3S has the same app as the target Gran Board 2.3 and Gran Board Dash with the same functions but is this model in the black outer frame incorporates in colored LEDs that depending on the game or not marked makes different lighting effects that make the game even more spectacular, in this wonderful target Gran Board 3S, this version is compatible with Gran Board Grandarts led mat. Diana low power with Bluetooth 4.0, so you can connect it with its app to your latest smartphone, tablet or TV. Diana with online game functions, target with a large number of players around the world and with online connection completely free. Available in two finishes, one with segments in blue and the other in green, this model is the blue collar, the difference is only the color of the triples and doubles that are blue, the other model has them in green, for the rest are the same both models. Doesn't include darts Join the community of Gran Board Spain, over 600 Spanish players are in this community. They have tournaments Tuesday through Sunday in addition to singles and doubles leagues. Visit their website: or find them on facebook: The product consists of 1 target Gran Board 3S white + J