Masquedardos He is also a member of the Italian national team
No review at the moment
This model is not recommended for soccer balls with metal washer, with metal washer gives better result the model you have in this category of hard chrome Bar of soccer with suspension system by hole bar valid for models of soccer in Catalonia or Cordoba, this bar is cheaper than the other models we have for soccer in Catalonia because the chrome spent for its manufacture is not crc hard, for this model of bar is not compatible to have metal washer in the bearings, if you have metal washer please use the chrome hard ones, this model of bar Eco 14mm is for use with nylon washer. the fist is secured by a threaded hole that places the bar in the fist area. Football bars don't include screws, just the bar.
This model is not recommended for soccer balls with metal washer, with metal washer gives better result the model you have in this category of hard chrome Bar of soccer with suspension system by hole bar valid for models of soccer in Catalonia or Cordoba, this bar is cheaper than the other models we have for soccer in Catalonia because the chrome spent for its manufacture is not crc hard, for this model of bar is not compatible to have metal washer in the bearings, if you have metal washer please use the chrome hard ones, this model of bar Eco 14mm is for use with nylon washer. the fist is secured by a threaded hole that places the bar in the fist area. Football bars don't include screws, just the bar.
This model is not recommended for soccer balls with metal washer, with metal washer gives better result the model you have in this category of hard chrome Bar of soccer with suspension system by hole bar valid for models of soccer in Catalonia or Cordoba, this bar is cheaper than the other models we have for soccer in Catalonia because the chrome spent for its manufacture is not crc hard, for this model of bar is not compatible to have metal washer in the bearings, if you have metal washer please use the chrome hard ones, this model of bar Eco 14mm is for use with nylon washer. the fist is secured by a threaded hole that places the bar in the fist area. Football bars don't include screws, just the bar.