Wooden playground with canvas roof, double swing and platform with slide. A strong, high and safe playground with the best value for money. The structure of the MASGAMES CARLIT playground is made of square wood treated for the exterior and finished with a weatherproof canvas roof. Square wooden playground for those who don't like cracks so much. Square wood has it too, but not as greasy. The presence of cracks in wood is normal and an aesthetic issue. At the base of the tower is a sandbox, and access to the cottage is by a vertical staircase 90 cm high. From there you go down a slide ramp. The playing possibilities of MASGAMES CARLIT park are many: - Climbing the stairs - Sandman at the base - Sliding down the slide ramp - Tower with roof to simulate a house - Swinging on the two swings The MASGAMES CARLIT playground structure includes the option of two flat seats or adding an extra baby seat. Choose your option before adding the park to your shopping basket. The dimensions of the MASGAMES CARLIT M playground are as follows: 310 cm (long) x 230 cm (wide to the end of the slide) x 240 cm (high) 68x68 mm on the legs and 88x88 mm from the top post. The height of the first floor of the platform is 0,90 m. The slide ramp is 1.75 m long. The ramp of the slide is HDPE which resists corrosion well and is therefore suitable for outdoor use. A hose can be connected to the ramp in summer to bring water down the ramp. It is therefore a combination that offers many possibilities for fun for children. The MASGAMES CARLIT playground includes anchorages to hold the playground on a dirt floor. The maximum user weight of the individual swing seat is 70 kg. Children's playground with slide and swing for private use with excellent value for money. Warning: Recommended age from 3 years - Transport: **** Delivery is door to door. Transport agencies do not offer the possibility of climbing to any floor, room, etc. .What. The goods received must be checked by the customer at the same time as the transport agency makes the delivery. In case of receipt of the goods in bad condition, it must be reflected in the delivery note that is signed to the carrier, indicating apparent damage” in addition to communicating it within 24 hours to the email orders@masquedardos.com ******----Delivery time: Delivery from 6 to 21 days, in round wood products from 6 to 8 days and square wood 3 weeks approx. --